Partial DITY Move—Expert Tips & In-Depth Guide

Written by AHRN Team Updated on February 28, 2025

As a military member who has received permanent change of station (PCS) orders, you’re gearing up to move to another part of the country or even across the world. Perhaps this is your first time PCSing, or maybe it’s your 10th time. No matter how experienced you are with moving, one thing is for certain—It never gets any easier!

Thankfully, the government provides options for military members heading off to serve our country in a different location. The top ways to conduct your move include:

Types of Military Moves:

  • Full Household Goods Move (HHG): During this type of move, the government takes charge of hiring a company to come pack, transport, and unload your items.
  • Personally Procured Move (PPM): Some service members like to have full control of their move, and that’s okay! Also known as a Do-It-Yourself (DITY) move, this type of move involves the military member packing up and moving their own items. In many cases, they can save the money that would have been spent on a Full Household Goods Move by simply moving themselves.
  • Partial PPM/DITY Move: This option is a popular choice among those who want to have more control of some of their more personal items while having the rest taken care of by the government-contracted moving company.;

Let’s dive into the specifics and learn more about Partial Personally Procured Moves (PPM) or partial “Do-It-Yourself” (DITY) moves.

Differences Between HHG, PPM, and Partial PPM

Household Goods Move (HHG)

When choosing a government-procured household goods move (HHG), you can look forward to your Household Goods Office or Traffic Management Office (TMO) to help you organize a moving service. These professionals will help you with everything from packing your bedrooms, living spaces, bathrooms and bedrooms to moving your items via truck and helping you unload them when they arrive at the new location.

The only thing you’ll have to worry about is getting yourself to the new location on time to meet the movers! This is a good option for those short on time or patience. If you follow the correct weight restrictions, this option will cost you $0. It’s also known for being one of the most convenient routes for military members to take when PCSing.


However, if you’ve ever worked with movers, you know that you run the risk of items getting broken or turning up missing. Also, you sometimes have very little control over your items arriving on time. For those that want to avoid these inconveniences, many choose a full PPM/DITY move or a partial PPM/DITY move.

For a full DITY move, you would make arrangements with the TMO to take complete charge of your move. You will begin by weighing your vehicle, moving truck and/or trailer when it is empty. Once you have packed your house up and loaded everything, you will weigh the vehicle(s) again at the TMO scales on base or at a certified truck scale.

The weight of your goods will determine how much compensation you will receive in your travel claim. There is some paperwork you have to keep track of to ensure you receive compensation, though. Once you arrive and unpack, present your gas and mileage receipts along with the weight tickets and the approved travel paperwork provided by the household goods office or TMO.

Since the government isn’t paying movers to transport your items with a PPM, you can potentially make money on your move! You can even request an advance allowance, so you’re never dishing money out of pocket during the process.

Partial DITY Move (Partial PPM)

A partial PPM, or partial DITY, allows you to transport a portion of your household goods while a government-procured mover transports the rest for you. Conveniently, your weight allowance will be split between your partial DITY and your government move.

For safety, the transportation office will give you a list of items that are prohibited from moving. These items can include, but are not limited to, construction equipment, boats, airplanes, etc., which are typically only added to increase the weight of the move for the potential financial benefits.

You will be asked to weigh your vehicle empty and then full for an accurate quote. Like with a full DITY move, you’ll simply present your fuel and toll receipts, weight tickets and complete travel claim with orders to your transportation office for reimbursement.

This method will allow you some access to household items throughout your trip! Many prefer this approach as it helps them to get settled in quicker while they wait for the remainder of their household goods or base housing assignment.

How to Apply for a Partial DITY Move?

As soon as you have your orders and have decided on what type of move you want, you’ll need to contact your transportation office. To apply for a Partial DITY move, make the request by filling out DD Form 2278, which is the Application for DITY (Do-It-Yourself) Move and Counseling Checklist.

You will also need the following on hand:

  • Copy of your orders
  • Form 1038 Advance of Funds Application (if an advance is needed)
  • Copy of trailer registration (if using a personally owned trailer)
  • Rental agreement (if using a rented trailer or moving truck)
  • Prohibited items list

Expert Tips to Plan Your Partial DITY Move

Before Your DITY Move

As a first step, make sure your vehicle has a current safety and readiness inspection. This will prevent you from ending up stranded along the way. In addition, you’ll want to make sure the items you’re transporting actually fit within your vehicle. For a more convenient trip, make essential items packed in your car easy to locate and reach.

Consider asking your transportation office for an accurate moving calculator. This will help to anticipate what your expenses will be and how much you are entitled to in your travel claim. You can also input your information using a partial DITY move calculator to gain an initial idea of what your move will cost.

PPM Weight Ticket Details

Before you embark on your PCS journey, ensure you have certified vehicle scale weight tickets (both empty and full) for your household goods.

The Tickets Should Include:

  • Your name
  • Name and location of the scale
  • Vehicle information
  • Weight master’s signature
  • Legible recording of the weight

Expert Tip: Research what type of moving expenses the government will cover for your move. From personal or dependent travel to dislocation allowance, keeping track will help you save money in the long run.

During Your DITY Move

Be sure to save any receipts for fuel or tolls along the way to keep track of the road expenses. Remember, coffee, snacks, and fast food can add up fast!

After Your Partial DITY Move

It’s important to remember that you will need to submit your claim and all relevant paperwork within 45 days. If you miss that 45-day deadline, you will not be reimbursed. Any military member who has had to PCS can tell you what a big loss that is!

You can submit your claim by going to your new duty station’s transportation office and bringing the following:

  • Companies of empty and loaded weight tickets
  • DD Form 2278
  • PPM Move Certification
  • Copy of PCS orders
  • All receipts
  • Advance paperwork
  • Rental equipment contract (if applicable)

Expert Tip: Review the MyBaseGuide site for check-in locations and procedures, building designations and base phone numbers right in the palm of your hand. For more handy apps to help you during your upcoming move, check out our article Top 15 Apps For Your PCS Move.

PCS Guide

Don’t leave without your PCS Guide Toolkit! Our free and in-depth PCS Toolkit is designed to help you easily make that transition to your next post. This document includes the knowledge and resources you need for a stress-free move!

Final Thoughts

We all know that moving isn’t easy. However, for military members PCSing every few years, it can be an even more exhausting process. With this guide, we hope you’ll be able to make the transition a little easier by avoiding common pitfalls that can cost you time and money.

With a Partial DITY move, you can split the difference between a full government move and a full DITY, giving you the peace of mind that comes with having more control over your own move.

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