4 Simple Summer Landscaping Tips

Written by AHRN Team Updated on March 10, 2020

Being well into the summer season you might have noticed it can be a troublesome time for your plants and lawn. With the hot sun beating down and pesky animals making their way through the grass, it can be hard to keep up with your property. But don’t give up! It’s not too late to maintain your landscaping. Whether your property is in a metropolitan neighborhood or a more rural area, here are 4 simple tricks that will help you maintain your property, so it looks lush all summer long.

 1. Maintenance

Landscaping maintenance is the basic foundation for perfect landscaping. Overgrown trees and plants look unattractive to the eye and can even cause hazards especially if they are blocking sidewalk paths. It’s important to remove overgrown branches, twigs and other debris.

As for your lawn, you should keep it tidy by mowing on a regular basis. Generally, you should not cut your grass shorter than three and a half inches. You want your grass to have long roots so that it will be more durable – which is needed for the heat stress it undergoes during summer months.

2. Hydration

You are not the only one that needs a sufficient amount of water to make it through the day. Watering is key to keeping your plants, shrubs, and lawn green and healthy. The best way to maximize water efficiency is to water infrequently but deeply. Watering with a deep soak ensures root growth which means your plants/shrubs will stay healthier for longer. So, when exactly should you be watering your lawn? We suggest early in the day so that they are ready to take on that scorching afternoon heat.

If you don’t have time or want a more convenient way to water, you can invest in a sprinkler system. You can program sprinklers to the perfect summer settings so that your property can stay hydrated.

3. Fertilizer

Fertilization is key when dealing with the summer heat. But it differs for seasons, locations and even conditions of your landscape. The best way to discover what type of fertilizer you need is to visit your nearby garden center and asking for advice. Once you find the one that suits you, follow the directions on the package, making sure to spread the fertilizer evenly throughout. For the best results, we suggest not applying fertilizer when the temperature is above 90 degrees.

4. Pest Control

Critters, bugs or any type of animal can leave your landscape messy. Insects especially can cause damage to your beautiful plant life. In order to protect your property from damage, you need to spray the proper organic and safe pesticides. If you cannot do this yourself, hire a scheduled lawn service to apply the treatment.

If you don’t want to turn to chemical solutions, you can use plants to keep critters out. Planting some ill tasting plants will make an animal not want to return to your property. If bigger, wild animals are your problem, try installing a garden bed or fence. You can still maintain the property’s appearance while also protecting your greenery.

Don’t let the summer heat wilt you or your property’s landscape.  Following these tips will help you keep your property looking green and beautiful all summer long.

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